只想知道 发表于 2015-2-3 23:39:36

PHP教程之[翻译]PHP平安小建议( 下)

PHP和HTML混合编程应该不成问题,在这期间,你完全可以让PHP给你算算 一加一等于几,然后在浏览器输出,不要觉得幼稚,这的确是跟阿波罗登月一样,你打的是一小段代码,但是对于你的编程之路,可是迈出了一大步啊!兴奋吧?但是不得不再给你泼点冷水,您还是菜鸟一个。      近日对照存眷PHP的平安成绩,国际的很多开辟者,出格是PHP初学者,良多时分仅知足功效是不是完成,对平安的切磋浅尝辄止乃至漠然置之。如许的效果很严重,好比众多的SQL注入,乃至还有直接被下载数据库毗连文件的……此文译自Cal Evans宣布DevZone的系列专题:PHP Security Tip (平安建议/小诀窍) 固然不是最新文章,但提到的很多准绳性的器材和经典的做法依然是值得正视的,相对是值得一读的好文章,借此抛砖引玉,但愿能给人人一点匡助,创立优秀的平安认识,懂得需要的提防办法。 文中到场自己的了解和正文的中央已注明,初次翻译,不妥的地方接待指出。感谢 ! ——By Falcon
  PHP Security Tip #12
  Cal Evans (editor) 1 comment Friday, March 16, 2007
  We’ve talked about filtering, we’ve talked about validating, we’ve talked about filtering again. Filtering inputs into your application is an important concept and the pre-cursor to many good security practices. However, once you have the input filtered and validated you can’t simply sit back and relax. You have to stay vigilant when programming to ensure security throughout your application.
  Filtering input gives some developers a false sense of security. They assume that since they;ve filtered the input, there’s no reason to worry. That may be true in some simple instances but in most complex applications, you have to constantly be aware of what you are using the input for. This is never more true than when using user input in the eval() command. That brings us to today’s tip:
  Think carefully before using eval()
  By using user-inputted values in an eval(), you are potentially giving a malicious user a gateway to your server. Even if your interface forces them to chose only predefined options, the call to your script can be spoofed and your script can potentially be used to execute commands on demand by people who want to do bad things.
  Use eval() sparingly. When you do have to use it, make sure you filter and then validate the input. If there are other ways to accomplish the task then consider using them instead.
  过滤输出给某些开辟者一种平安错觉,他们会果断地以为,既然已过滤了输出 ,那就应当没甚么来由再忧虑了吧。能够在一些复杂的实例里的确如斯,但在大范围的庞杂使用中,你必需不休留意你利用该输出来做甚么。特别是在利用eval()号令下利用用户输出时,由此入手下手咱们明天的建议:
  慎重地利用eval() ,当你必需利用它时,务必对用户输出经由过滤和验证处置。假如还有其他办法完成不异的义务,那末应当思索用它们来取代。
  PHP Security Tip #13
  Cal Evans (editor) 4 comments Tuesday, March 20, 2007
  Security is a mindset, not just something you do. It colors your application design as well as your coding. However, you also need to constantly monitor your production environment. That’s where selecting the right tool comes into play. I know I’ve mentioned PHPSecInfo before but I think this tool is important enough to warrant it’s own post.
  PHPSecInfo is a great tool to use to keep an eye on your production environment. It was written by Ed Finkler of CERIAS, the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security at Purdue University. It is officially a project of the PHP Security Consortium. Here’s what the PHPSecInfo homepage has to say about itself.
  PHPSecInfo provides an equivalent to the phpinfo() function that reports security information about the PHP environment, and offers suggestions for improvement. It is not a replacement for secure development techniques, and does not do any kind of code or app auditing, but can be a useful tool in a multilayered security approach.
  If you need more info, here’s the link to a short interview with Ed talking about PHPSecInfo. Here is another link to the latest release notice for version 0.2.
  As with all security measures, by itself it’s not the silver bullet. Used properly though, it can be part of a comprehensive solution.
  平安是一种思惟,而不只是一些你要做的工作,它会令使用法式的设计和编码减色(colors)很多。但是你还需求不休地监控临盆情况,这是选择准确的东西投入任务的中央。我之前提到过PHPSecInfo ,我以为这个东西十分主要乃至于我把它作为自力的一节来引见。
  PHPSecInfo 是一个用来监督临盆情况的壮大东西,它是CERIAS的Ed Finkler编写的,CREIAS是Purdue大学信息平安与保证教导研讨中间的简称。(the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security at Purdue University.),是PHP平安协会的官方项目(PHPSecInfo威武!),这是PHPSecInfo主页对其一些需要的申明:
  像一切平安办法一样,(PHPSecInfo) 就其自己,并不是银弹(见建议#1的译注 ),然而恰当利用,将会成为综合处理计划的一局部。
  PHP Security Tip #14
  Cal Evans (editor) 2 comments Wednesday, March 21, 2007
  Almost any application running PHP on the back-end uses web technologies for it’s front end. Many developers who think hard on PHP security, don’t spend a thought on front-end security for their application. Here’s a tip to think long and hard about when building your HTML and JavaScript.
  Any data inside of a cookie can be potentially seen by others- restrict to a minimum
  It’s a sad fact on today’s web but there are bad people out there. They want nothing more than for your application to leak sensitive data so they can exploit it. Make sure you look at the whole picture when evaluating the security of your application. This is very important when looking at what information you persist on the front end.
  PHP Security Tip #15
  Cal Evans (editor) 5 comments Friday, March 23, 2007
  As developers, most of us are very messy. I’ve worked on countless projects and at each either run across or left a trail of diagnostic files laying around. (info.php, test.php, doMe.php, etc.) These tiles, if found by someone with nefarious intent, can leak valuable information about your system.
  Today’s Security tip is:
  Don’t forget to purge temporary system diagnostic files.
  It would be a shame to spend all that time securing your application only to leave info.php or worse yet, a “quick piece of code” in test.php that could potentially leak dangerous information about your system. Don’t help the ad guys any more than you have to.
  p.s. Got a security tip? Post it! If it’s good enough we’ll share it with everybody else. Just log-in and click the contribute link in the upper right corner.
  作为开辟者,咱们大局部的人都长短常邋遢的,我为有数项目任务过。每次都能发明或留下一堆额定的诊断文件,随地乱放。像(info.php, test.php ,doMe.php等),这些文件,假如被某个怀有不良妄图的人发明,将很有能够泄漏体系的有效信息。
  在清算伤害你的使用的这些文件时你能够会感应忸捏,看到那些留上去的info.php或更糟的,在test.php“一段疾速代码片段",它们城市潜伏地泄漏关于体系的风险信息,不要再助那些发告白的家伙(ad guys)落井下石了。
  p.s. 你也有平安方面的小建议,把它宣布出来吧,能和别人分享是一件再好不外的事了,只需登录并点击右上角的奉献按钮。
  PHP Security Tip #16
  sascha_leib 1 comment Monday, March 26, 2007
  Keep Your Framework Up to Date
  I have posted it before as comment, but since I believe that this is a very important issue, it might be worth a ‘security tip’ of its own:
  Make sure any framework you are using is updated regularly.
  This is especially important if you are working on a ‘one-shot’ client project. It is important to think about who is going to maintain the site if (or rather: when) a security patch is issued for any of the 3rd party files.
  Usually, these sites are placed on a shared hosting site, and that means the provider is responsible for keeping PHP, database system, web server, etc. up to date – but they will probably not maintain the frameworks you have installed.
  Using frameworks is generally a good idea – not only because they take a lot of the work away from you, but also because any potential security issue will (usually) quickly be dealt with.
  On the other side, this means that security issues in these frameworks are very well documented – and it is all to easy for a malicious hacker to search for old versions of the framework in use, and exploit these problems.
  I have seen many, many sites which are still using extremely old and outdated files – simply because there is nobody there to update it. And I’m talking about old PEAR installs (with known issues with the ‘Mail’ component) and worse!
  PHP 平安建议 #16
<p>  我看过良多良多的网站依然在利用一些十分老的、过时的文件,仅仅是由于没有人去更新它,还在利用旧版 的PEAR 库(个中广为人知的Mail组件平安成绩) 的网站会更糟! <P style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">

小女巫 发表于 2015-2-4 05:01:25


精灵巫婆 发表于 2015-2-9 16:01:59


仓酷云 发表于 2015-2-18 10:24:41


不帅 发表于 2015-3-6 03:42:20


小魔女 发表于 2015-3-12 19:34:07

使用zendstdio 写代码的的时候,把tab 的缩进设置成4个空格是很有必要的

山那边是海 发表于 2015-3-19 18:14:17


再见西城 发表于 2015-3-28 19:10:00

曾经犯过一个很低级的错误,我在文件命名的时候用了一个横线\\\\\\\'-\\\\\\\' 号,结果找了好几个小时的错误,事实是命名的时候 是不能用横线 \\\\\\\'-\\\\\\\' 的,应该用的是下划线\\\\\\\'_\\\\\\\' ;

柔情似水 发表于 2015-4-1 20:11:21

使用zendstdio 写代码的的时候,把tab 的缩进设置成4个空格是很有必要的

简单生活 发表于 2015-4-4 21:03:09

说点我烦的低级错误吧,曾经有次插入mysql的时间 弄了300年结果老报错,其实mysql的时间是有限制的,大概是到203X年具体的记不清啦,囧。

第二个灵魂 发表于 2015-4-14 11:18:37


爱飞 发表于 2015-4-16 14:20:32


乐观 发表于 2015-4-16 18:10:34


只想知道 发表于 2015-4-16 22:34:38

使用 jquery 等js框架的时候,要随时注意浏览器的更新情况,不然很容易发生框架不能使用。

分手快乐 发表于 2015-5-1 20:56:21


蒙在股里 发表于 2015-5-4 12:25:07


透明 发表于 2015-5-6 05:28:59


飘灵儿 发表于 2015-6-24 15:16:23


冷月葬花魂 发表于 2015-7-8 10:47:25


海妖 发表于 2015-7-10 23:04:11

开发工具也会慢慢的更专业,每个公司的可能不一样,但是zend studio是个大伙都会用的。
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