飘飘悠悠 发表于 2015-2-4 00:03:21

PHP网站制作之在 HP_UX 上装置 php


HP-UX installs
This section contains notes and hints specific to installing PHP on HP-UX systems.

Example 2-2. Installation Instructions for HP-UX 10

From: paul_mckay@clearwater-it.co.uk
04-Jan-2001 09:49
(These tips are for php v4.0.4 and apache v1.3.9)

So you want to install PHP and Apache on a HP-UX 10.20 box?

1. You need gzip, download a binary distribution from
uncompress the file and install using swinstall

2. You need gcc, download a binary distribution from
gunzip this file and install gcc using swinstall.

3. You need the GNU binutils, you can download a binary distribution from
gunzip and install using swinstall.

4. You now need bison, you can download a binary distribution from
install as above.

5. You now need flex, you need to download the source from one of the
http://www.gnu.org mirrors. It is in the non-gnu directory of the ftp site.
Download the file, gunzip, then tar -xvf it. Go into the newly created flex
directory and do a ./configure, then a make, and then a make install

If you have errors here, it's probably because gcc etc. are not in your
PATH so add them to your PATH.

Right, now into the hard stuff.

6.Download the PHP and apache sources.

7.gunzip and tar -xvf them.

We need to hack a couple of files so that they can compile ok.

8. Firstly the configure file needs to be hacked because it seems to lose
track of the fact that you are a hpux machine, there will be a
better way of doing this but a cheap and cheerful hack is to put
on line 47286 of the configure script.

9. Next, the apache GuessOS file needs to be hacked. Under
apache_1.3.9/src/helpers change line 89 from
"echo "hp${HPUXMACH}-hpux${HPUXVER}"; exit 0"
"echo "hp${HPUXMACH}-hp-hpux${HPUXVER}"; exit 0"

10. You cannot install PHP as a shared object under HP-UX so you must compile
it as a static, just follow the instructions at the Apache page.

11. PHP and apache should have compiled OK, but apache won't start. you need
to create a new user for apache, eg www, or apache. You then change lines 252
and 253 of the conf/httpd.conf in apache so that instead of
User nobody
Group nogroup
you have something like
User www
Group sys

This is because you can't run apache as nobody under hp-ux.
Apache and PHP should then work.

Hope this helps somebody,
Paul Mckay.

再现理想 发表于 2015-2-4 08:19:35


小女巫 发表于 2015-2-9 19:58:25

在我安装pear包的时候老是提示,缺少某某文件,才发现 那群extension 的排列是应该有一点的顺序,而我安装的版本的排序不是正常的排序。没办法我只好把那群冒号加了上去,只留下我需要使用的扩展。

若天明 发表于 2015-2-11 03:56:09


爱飞 发表于 2015-2-15 22:18:37


只想知道 发表于 2015-3-3 23:10:36

首推的搜索引擎当然是Google大神,其次我比较喜欢 百度知道。不过搜出来的结果往往都是 大家copy来copy去的,运气的的概率很大。

谁可相欹 发表于 2015-3-7 17:44:35

真正的方向了,如果将来要去开发团队,你一定要学好smarty ,phplib这样的模板引擎,

兰色精灵 发表于 2015-3-15 10:24:49


乐观 发表于 2015-3-19 16:59:01

因为blog这样的可以让你接触更多要学的知识,可以接触用到类,模板,js ,ajax

透明 发表于 2015-3-24 22:28:59


小魔女 发表于 2015-3-27 11:11:05


活着的死人 发表于 2015-4-2 12:21:09


分手快乐 发表于 2015-4-8 14:48:54


灵魂腐蚀 发表于 2015-4-14 16:02:57

开发工具也会慢慢的更专业,每个公司的可能不一样,但是zend studio是个大伙都会用的。

第二个灵魂 发表于 2015-4-18 02:50:50


海妖 发表于 2015-4-25 23:31:24


柔情似水 发表于 2015-4-29 16:07:11


精灵巫婆 发表于 2015-4-30 04:27:35


金色的骷髅 发表于 2015-6-12 19:03:07


简单生活 发表于 2015-6-14 23:03:02

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