兴趣可能会慢慢消亡,所以适当培养兴趣会激发自己无线的乐趣,有了乐趣,编程有啥难的。 IBM has teamed up with a little-known open-source scripting language company, Zend Technologies Ltd., in a bet that such an alliance will yield an easier way to build Web sites with dynamic content.Web sites capable of providing users with personalized content or answering individual browser requests for specific information need to be able to extract the desired information from a database. In the early days of the Web, that meant laborious programming. Zend Technologies' PHP scripting language was designed to help programmers without advanced Java or Microsoft C# expertise build applications that tap into those database services.
PHP got its start as Personal Home Page, an easy-to-learn scripting language for marshalling resources on a Web site. Scripting languages typically tie diverse elements of a site together, even though they may be built with different technologies.
"Initially, PHP was very much a grassroots endeavor. It was used by Web masters that didn't have a computer science degree," notes Pamela Roussos, VP of marketing at Zend Technologies. But that picture has changed. PHP has proven so useful, particularly at aligning database services to Web site application needs, that it has found its way onto many corporate sites. "Lufthansa uses PHP for its E-ticket site," notes David Boloker, chief technology officer for emerging technologies in IBM's Software Group.
IBM will integrate its easy-to-use Cloudscape database system with Zend's PHP. IBM is going to package the open-source version of Cloudscape, which developers embed in Web site systems, with the PHP scripting engine from Zend Technologies. The product will be called Zend Core for IBM and will be available for free download in the second quarter from IBM's DeveloperWorks Web site, a resource site for software developers. It will also be available through IBM's DB2 and Cloudscape Web sites.
IBM donated the Cloudscape source code to the Apache Software Foundation last year and the version of Cloudscape bundled with Zend Core for IBM will be the Apache version, known as Derby. IBM continues to produce commercial products with Cloudscape as well.
"IBM's move is going to attract more enterprise customers," says an ebullient Doron Gerstel, CEO of 68-employee Zend Technologies, an Israeli company. IBM's seal of approval on PHP will do for PHP what it did for Linux (news - web sites) eight years ago--make it a dominant open-source technology accepted by commercial business, Gerstel says.
Although IBM will offer Zend Core for IBM for free, the software's code itself will not be open source and will be subject to use restrictions because it will include drivers for IBM's DB2 commercial database system.
毕业设计作品自己个人还是觉得比较满意的,尽管有些功能考虑的不全面,也没有很好的实现。 兴趣是最好的老师,百度是最好的词典。 说点我烦的低级错误吧,曾经有次插入mysql的时间 弄了300年结果老报错,其实mysql的时间是有限制的,大概是到203X年具体的记不清啦,囧。 再就是混迹于论坛啦,咱们的phpchina的论坛就很强大,提出的问题一般都是有达人去解答的,以前的帖子也要多看看也能学到不少前辈们的经验。别的不错的论坛例如php100,javaeye也是很不错的。 兴趣是最好的老师,百度是最好的词典。 如果你可以写完像留言板这样的程序,那么你可以去一些别人的代码了, 我要在声明一下:我是个菜鸟!!我对php这门优秀的语言也是知之甚少。但是我要在这里说一下php在网站开发中最常用的几个功能: 本人接触php时间不长,算是phper中的小菜鸟一只吧。由于刚开始学的时候没有名师指,碰过不少疙瘩,呗很多小问题卡过很久,白白浪费不少宝贵的时间,在次分享一些子的学习的心得。 首先声明:我是一个菜鸟,是一个初学者。学习了一段php后总是感觉自己没有提高,无奈。经过反思我认为我学习过程中存在很多问题,我改变了学习方法后自我感觉有了明显的进步。 本人接触php时间不长,算是phper中的小菜鸟一只吧。由于刚开始学的时候没有名师指,碰过不少疙瘩,呗很多小问题卡过很久,白白浪费不少宝贵的时间,在次分享一些子的学习的心得。 ,熟悉html,能用div+css,还有javascript,优先考虑linux。我在开始学习的时候,就想把这些知识一起学习,我天真的认为同时学习能够互相呼应,因为知识是相通的。 微软最近出的新字体“微软雅黑”,虽然是挺漂亮的,不过firefox支持的不是很好,所以能少用还是少用的好。 建议加几个专业的phper的群,当然啦需要说话的人多,一处一点问题能有人回答你的,当然啦要让人回答你的问题,平时就得躲在里面聊天,大家混熟啦,愿意回答你问题的人自然就多啦。 不禁又想起那些说php是草根语言的人,为什么认得差距这么大呢。 最后介绍一个代码出错,但是老找不到错误方法,就是 go to wc (囧),出去换换气没准回来就找到错误啦。 刚开始安装php的时候,我图了个省事,把php的扩展全都打开啦(就是把php.ini 那一片 extension 前面的冒号全去掉啦),这样自然有好处,以后不用再需要什么功能再来打开。 实践是检验自己会不会的真理。 曾经犯过一个很低级的错误,我在文件命名的时候用了一个横线\\\\\\\'-\\\\\\\' 号,结果找了好几个小时的错误,事实是命名的时候 是不能用横线 \\\\\\\'-\\\\\\\' 的,应该用的是下划线\\\\\\\'_\\\\\\\' ; 说php的话,首先得提一下数组,开始的时候我是最烦数组的,总是被弄的晕头转向,不过后来呢,我觉得数组里php里最强大的存储方法,所以建议新手们要学好数组。 最后介绍一个代码出错,但是老找不到错误方法,就是 go to wc (囧),出去换换气没准回来就找到错误啦。